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4-H Softball
Summer Softball Fun in Dunn!
Any 4-H youth who joins 4-H before May 1st may participate in 4-H Softball. We will be using the same model as last year to ensure youth get time to play no matter what. We will be forming cross-club teams with 8-12 year olds, and teams for ages 13 and up. We will have families meet at the field of play and get right to a game! Information will be emailed to participating families in early June. The Reminder App will be used for weather or other updates.
If you are interested in helping us this season as a coach or an umpire, please call the Extension Office 715-232-1636.
- Each year the Softball Rules and Guidelines are agreed upon by the coaches and assistants at the first meeting of the season.
- Each player must read the rules, sign a Consent Form and also sign and turn in a Code of Conduct (found at the end of the rules packet above) by the first game.
- Each year a Softball Volunteer will be appointed and will act as the main liaison between 4-H Softball and the Extension Dunn County.
- 2024 Softball Schedule
*4-H Softball begins early June & ends mid-August

According to 4-H History Preservation, 4-H Softball has a rich national 4-H history, since the beginning in the 1930’s it has transformed and enriched the life of 4-H members and alumni to this day. Frank Graham, former Chairman of Extension Youth Development at the University of Missouri, advocated for the sport in article published in June 1966 in the National 4-H News.
He explained, “Sports help make young people well rounded. They develop physically, mentally, morally and socially. As a nation, we are falling short of top physical condition, the experts say. We need more exercise, and 4-H can help. Mental development comes from sports in the form of alertness and good reactions and reflexes. Learning good sportsmanship is a moral gain, I feel, and learning to win or lose gracefully develops boys and girls socially.” and he went on to say sports can contribute to good citizenship through the teaching of courage, self discipline, and persistence. He insisted when youth participate in sports, it acts as a springboard to participation in other educational activities of 4-H.
If you have any questions regarding 4-H Youth Development, please contact:
Extension Dunn County
3001 US Hwy 12 E, Room 216
Menomonie WI 54751-3045
Phone: 715-232-1636