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4-H Leaders
The Dunn County 4-H Youth Development program has two main bodies of adult leaders that meet semi-regularly including (1) The Leaders Council and (2) The General Leaders.
Leaders Council
The Dunn County 4-H Leader’s Council assists in the development and advancement of programs that encourage the positive development of youth in Dunn County. The Council has five main points of purpose including
- to improve, foster, promote and develop the educational 4-H program of Dunn County;
- to provide an opportunity for the leaders of Dunn County 4-H Clubs to unite their educational activities and programs;
- to create youth and adult partnerships that will support the purposes of the Dunn County 4-H program;
- to support community involvement by youth and adults participating in the Dunn County 4-H program; and
- to set policies, generate and provide financial and other support for 4-H events, activities and educational programs.
Structure and Meetings
The Leader’s Council meet at least 6 times per year. The Council consists of one adult representative per chartered club or major program area (representatives may only represent one group of program area) and potentially one youth representative per club or major program area. Youth Representatives have no voting rights and are not required, but encouraged to attend.
The Council oversees the pie social at the Dunn County Fair and sells plat books through county offices to raise money for support of the 4-H program. 4-H clubs are responsible for providing youth and adults to run the pie social one or more shifts during the fair and sell ads for the plat book when the new books are produced. The pie social and plat book sales provide financial support for camps, award trips, leader and member recognition, scholarships, judges, awards, leader training opportunities, educational materials and more.
The Dunn County 4-H Leaders Council is the governing body of 4-H in Dunn County. The Dunn County 4-H Leaders Council By-Laws explain the governing structure of the organization.
The 4-H Program Organizational Chart also assists in the explanation of how the Dunn County 4-H Leaders Council fits within the program.
2023 – 2024 Leaders Council Board Members
President – Amy Zuber-Seguin | azuberseguin@msn.com
Vice President – Tim Holmstadt | tholmstadt@yahoo.com
Treasurer – Katie Wantoch | wantochk@gmail.com
Secretary – Gwen Quilling | quills11@gmail.com
At Large – Brian Seguin | briangseguin@gmail.com
At Large – Missy Hazen | missyhazen@wwt.net
General Leaders
General Leaders are organizational leaders for the 4-H club. They coordinate programs and activities as planned by the group. They work with club officers in helping them conduct monthly meetings. They help members as well as parents follow through with responsibilities they have accepted. The General Leaders are the main resource between the club, the Leaders Council and the Extension Office. The General Leader is also in attendance at all club meetings. General Leaders are not responsible for planning and facilitating all programs for the club, they serve as a resource for the adult leaders who take responsibility for these activities.
Not sure what role(s) you would like to take on as a volunteer? Check out the WI 4-H Volunteer Position Descriptions:
- Activity/Event Volunteer
- Adult Advisor/Chaperone
- Club Enrollment Coordinator (formerly Club Enrollment and Club Manager)
- Club Leader (includes Organizational/General and Co-Organizational/Co-General)
- Committee Volunteer
- Project Leader (includes Key Leader and Resource Leader)

If you have any questions regarding 4-H Youth Development, please contact:
Extension Dunn County
3001 US Hwy 12 E, Room 216
Menomonie WI 54751-3045
Phone: 715-232-1636