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4-H Youth and Adult Awards

Dunn County 4-H Awards Packet (pdf)
Fall 2024 Record Book and Awards Packet (pdf)
The 4-H Awards System may appear somewhat intricate at first glance. However, this this packet aims to clear up any confusion about the awards process. In Dunn County, the 4-H award system can be broken down into three parts, (Part 1) Record Book Awards, (Part 2) Awards Requiring Application, and (Part 3) Recognition Awards. The awards process can be further narrowed down by separating awards into three types, Club Level Youth Awards, County Level Youth Awards, and Adult Leader Awards.
Older Youth Award Application (Google Doc)
Scholarship Application (Google Doc)
Download or make a copy of the application to complete.
Applications are all Due March 1st.
For a visual representation, check out this 4-H Award Flow Chart (pdf).
For more information on the record book process, please check out the Record Books Page!
All Adult Leaders Awards are due by May 31st
With the support of volunteers and community partners the Dunn County 4-H program is able to prosper while empowering our youth to be strong and dedicated community leaders. We want to make sure to thank and recognize these amazing people. Please fill out any of these applications to nominate a deserving 4-H Adult Leader or Community Partner.
You can complete this Online Form or you can print the applications, fill them out and drop them off OR mail them in at the Extension Dunn County Office.
Types of Adult Leader Awards and Descriptions –
Partners in 4H Nomination (Word Doc)
The Partners in 4-H award is meant to recognize outstanding contributions from individuals, organizations, or business to the 4-H program. “Partners in 4-H” nominees have impacted the Dunn County 4-H in some special way and is ultimately selected by the Leaders Council. A recipient may only receive this award every ten years.
Volunteer of the Year Nomination (Word Doc)
The Volunteer of the Year award is sponsored by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and is selected locally by the Dunn County 4-H Leaders Council. Volunteer of the year nominees have gone above and beyond to serve 4-H on the club, county, state, and/or national level. A recipient may only receive this award once.
Alumni Award Nomination (Word Doc)
The Alumni Award is meant to recognize 4-H Alumni. Recipients may be alumni from anywhere in the county and must be a current active leader working in many ways to help youth in their present adult life. A recipient may only receive this award once.
- Additional Information
- When making a nomination for the “4-H Alumni Award” please consider the person’s interest in 4-H in their adult life and reflect on their accomplishments when they were a member.
- A maximum of four alumni may receive this award each year.
All Adult Leaders Awards are due by May 31st!
*Nominations will not be held over from year-to-year

Stay Updated with the Dunn County 4-H Facebook page!
If you have any questions regarding 4-H Youth Development, please contact:
Extension Dunn County
3001 US Hwy 12 E, Room 216
Menomonie WI 54751-3045
Phone: 715-232-1636