Parenting & Family Relationships Classes
Check out the list of classes we are offering in regards to parenting and family relationships. If you have any questions please reach out to Luisa at gerasimo@wisc.edu
Check out the list of classes we are offering in regards to parenting and family relationships. If you have any questions please reach out to Luisa at gerasimo@wisc.edu
Caregivers, educators, and parents of children ages 4-7 should attend! This evidence-based series will help you guide children to solve common, everyday problems with decision-making and communication skills using their thinking brains. This refreshingly practical curriculum that helps you support your child in learning HOW to think, not what to think, as they learn to […]
It’s winter – from now through spring, if you are a gardener, expect garden seed catalogs. If you plan to place an order or two, here are a few tips and ideas that you might find helpful. First, do an inventory of what seeds you already have. Many seed packets have more seeds than we […]
The U.S. Surgeon General issued an 80 page advisory last year on a new epidemic: loneliness. Among the many facts in this advisory is one that really hit me: Lack of social connection impacts our physical well-being and increases the risk of early death just as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day! Yikes. The […]
Have you visited the Dunn County Government Center’s Native Flower Garden yet?
Just In Time Parenting is a FREE digital parenting newsletter that provides research-based information specific to your child’s age and needs.
Are you looking for a fun, and possibly life-changing, 3-4 hour workshop for your staff or group? Luisa Gerasimo, our Human Development and Relationships Educator, is a trained facilitator for Real ColorsTM and is available to help your group dig into the science of temperament. Several Dunn County departments have taken advantage of this interactive […]