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4-H Record Books

Each 4-H member in Dunn County is encouraged to complete a Record Book to showcase their project development throughout the year. The following documents and procedures are encouraged for everyone, but each club has the discretion to modify or change these guidelines for fulfillment of their record book requirements.
If a member intends to submit their records for County-wide award(s) consideration, please refer to the Record Book – Content List to ensure all section of the book are complete. All 4-H Record Books will be evaluated based on the following criteria, which should be included in the appropriate format selected by the member and/or club. 1. Resume & Cover letter; 2. Project Documentation; 3. Evidence of Effort. A detailed description of the content, examples, and evaluation criteria is listed below. A Sample Record Book Rubric and Record Book Rubric Blank are available to review.
General Outline for Record Books:
Record Book Cover
The cover should include:
- Photo of 4-H Member
- Member Name
- Participation information:
- Current Year
- Age
- Grade
- Years in 4-H; Cloverbuds + this year
- Club Meetings held
- Club Meetings attended
- Plaque disc you’re applying for
- County project award(s) you’re applying for
All pertinent information about member, club, and member 4-H experience. 4-H Member can follow the Resume example or create his/her own design. A special category on the resume highlighting the selected project for a county award/disc is strongly encouraged.
Record Book Resume Sample (pdf)
Record Book Resume Sample (word)
Cover Letter
The cover letter relates to the selected project you are applying for a county award/disc in.
Project Listing
Supporting Documentation
Record Book Supporting Documentation single page (pdf)
Record Book Supporting Documentation single page (word)
Record Book Supporting Documentation two pages (pdf)
Record Book Supporting Documentation two pages (word)
Evidence of Goal Setting
- Purpose is to illustrate that the member has set goals for the 4-H year overall: examples may include goals for 4-H activities or 4-H projects.
- Goals should showcase higher educational expectations, not simply being awarded a ribbon or showcasing at the fair. Examples may include: increase responsibility or teach other project members, etc.
Financial Records:
- Purpose is to illustrate that the member has documentation of financial records for each 4-H project (i.e. budget with record of income, expenses, and hours spent).
- Complete the financial section of the 4-H Project Record sheet for each project OR develop an appropriate method of his/her own design. If creating a new design, it must be included in the 4-H projects section.
- A reflection is a story of a member’s learning or a way of looking back on what happened and what was accomplished; sharing highlights and challenges.
- Members can either complete the questions included in the traditional record book to process reflections or include reflections as a part of their selected format.
- Include one paragraph of project highlights, one paragraph of lowlights, and one paragraph of growth and how the member shared his or her learning.
Evidence of Effort:
- Each 4-H record must have evidence of effort including but not limited to: neatness, organization, thoughtfulness, and creativity.
- Each 4-H record should include all the necessary components, address each area of criteria and be complete.
- Records from last year are not needed at the County level and can be left out of the book.
Record Book Formats:
Cloverbud Record Book
Alternative Format for 3rd – 6th Graders
Traditional Record Book
A traditional 4-H record book using latest requirements and forms available. Blank version below includes all parts outlined above.
- Submission must be in paper format with a cover page in a three ring binder or portfolio cover
Powerpoint, Prezi, or similar Presentations
A visual software or web application presentation of 4-H records and member’s learning and reflection.
- Presentations must include at least thirty slides/views with font large enough to read.
- 4-H Project Records can be incorporated into the presentation for each project.
- Submission for PowerPoint presentations must be printed slides large enough to read without strain. Prezi or similar presentations can be submitted via flash drive or web link if printing is not feasible.
- Recommended for 4-H members grades 3-12 who are interested in using technology to visually represent their 4-H year.
Webpage or Website
A visual software or web application presentation of 4-H records and member’s learning and reflection.
- Should include a navigation bar to organize your webpage(s).
- 4-H Project records can be incorporated into the webpage or website for each project. Submission shall be via print. If printing is not feasible, then a web link submission will be accepted.
- Recommended for 4-H members grade 9-12 who are interest in this media format.
A blog is an online, public journal. 4-H member will use a blog to document their 4-H experiences throughout the year in a journal format.
- There should be at least twenty (20) blog posts and at least one (1) blog post in each month of the 4-H club year running from October – September.
- 4-H Project records can be incorporated into the club for each project. Submission shall be via print. If printing is not feasible, then a web link submission will be accepted.
- Recommended for 4-H members grades 3-12 who are interested in using technology to document their 4-H experiences throughout the year in a journal format.
V-cast or Podcast
A video or audio presentation with a typed script that discusses member’s learning and reflection.
- 4-H Project records to be incorporated into the v-cast/podcast for each project.
- Files must be file formats ready to be played on Real Player software.
- Submission will be via flash drive, web link, or other format appropriate and approved by 4-H agent by September 1.
- Recommended for 4-H members in grades 9-12 who are interested in this media format.
Other Format
Please discuss other format ideas ahead of the record book submission period with the 4-H Program Educator.
Record Book Samples:
Club Officer Book
The Club Officer Book is the summary of members, leaders, activities, attendance, financial reports, accomplishments, and an overall narrative of these accomplishments each year.
The task of completing the club officer book is shared by these people: the club president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and reporter; under the guidance of the general and assistant adult leaders who work with the club officers. It is the expectation that the book will be completed largely by youth, under the guidance of adult leaders.
Club Officer Books may be submitted to the county for club awards/recognition. Many clubs find the historical value of them to be significant. Completion of the Club Officer Book is not required.
Club Officer Book Process in Detail